Snack #3: Future Palace – Sleep Tight /07.17./ ENG.

On the 10th of June, Future Palace released their second album, Run! Although we don’t present the full length of the German post-hardcore band’s new album, we give you a taste of why it could be a good choice for this summer’s releases with the help of Sleep Tight. If you want some underground music with memorable female vocals, then this article is for you!

Band: Future Palace (DEU)

Song: Sleep Tight

Genre: Post-Hardcore

Release Date: 2022/06/10

Label: Arising Empire

Why should “Sleep Tight” be your song? When we talk about Future Palace’s style, it is inevitable to mention Bring Me the Horizon. There is no doubt that they drew well from the Sheffield metalcore giant, but there are also traces of Spiritbox, While She Sleeps and Holding Absence. It’s no coincidence that when you hear Sleep Tight, you feel a sweet nostalgia: what you’re experiencing is familiar from somewhere. The seeds of inspiration go back to 2013! That’s when Sempiternal was released, with tracks such as Can You Feel My Heart, Shadow Moses and Hospital for Souls. Sleep Tight’s instrumental is magnificent, with the melodic guitar work that plays a minor part in the song, the atmospheric drumming that lurks in the background almost all the time and the programmed elements that give the Sempiternal vibe. Not to mention the vocals! After the more machine-like, slow-paced verse, life picks up with the pre-chorus, only to be finally captivated by the refrain which is an undeniable energy bomb. The catchy, pulsating chorus alone makes Sleep Tight a must-listen! The endgame is quite long with an outro that exceeds one and a half minute. It’s a quieter segment where Maria’s unique voice shines through even more. Then, with the addition of the drums, an elevated, classy ending is guaranteed. The unforgettable outro of Hospital for Souls is the first to spring to mind, and maybe not without reason! Run clearly has far more in store than what has been described so far. The record, which deals in great detail with the fight against depression (presumably not unknown to many considering the events of recent years) and the aftermath of a toxic relationship, has plenty of goodies for curious ears. Defeating Gravity, Paradise or even Dead Inside can help you form your own image of the album and the band, with some video clips to spice up the excitement. Bon voyage!


Future Palace

by: Wolfy

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